Shaping the Future of Computing - Test Site

Shaping the Future of Computing 1 June 2017

Martin Buck, Global Product Manager  [email protected]

Computers are such an integral part of our daily lives.

To prepare the next generation for our increasingly digital world we need our young learners to be confident ‘computational thinkers’.


The UK national curriculum for Computing aims to meet this challenge. Young learners need to understand how computers and their systems work, how to design and develop their own programs and how to carry forward new ideas and concepts using all the latest technology available.

“A high-quality computing education equips pupils to use computational thinking and creativity to understand and change the world.”

(UK Department for Education)

Digital World

As technology supports and shapes more and more aspects of our lives those of us in the business of education have a responsibility to prepare and support our young learners for the new digital challenges and opportunities ahead.

Good digital skills training and a strong computer science education will provide students with new opportunities to harness their creativity, express themselves, communicate, collaborate and safely navigate our increasingly tech-savvy world.

This includes understanding how to develop ideas through information and communication technology, being able to keep oneself and others safe online and having the confidence and technical know-how to produce new and innovative digital content.


Changing the future

NCC Education’s new Digi programmes demystify many of the complexities faced by students and teachers in this subject area. Aligned to the new English national curriculum for Computing they providing an invaluable set of teaching and learning resources which can be taken into classrooms around the world, re-energising Computing education for the next generation of teachers and students.

Digi Programmes

The NCC Education Digi Explorers programme book is the first in the Digi series and was first launched for teaching in January 2017.


This is part of our Key Stage 1 materials, for students aged 5 to 7 in the English school system. However, I know many adults or older students new to Computing would also be able to follow these lessons.

Key Stage 2, 3 and 4 materials were launched in March which completed the Digi Programme, providing a complete Primary and Secondary curriculum offering.

“I really like the way the lessons build up and consolidate skills so that students, without necessarily realising it, are creating digital content that can be used in all kinds of innovative ways.”

Digital Innovators

Our digital innovators of the future are those we can turn on to the wonders and possibilities of computer science today!

It’s a tremendously exciting time to be a young ‘Digi Explorer’ and NCC Education is proud to play a part in shaping the future of Computing with our fantastic new Digi programmes, aligned to the English National Computing Curriculum.


Take a look!

Feel free to get in touch if you would like any more information about Digi from NCC Education – just send me an email to [email protected] and I will get back to you.

Sample lessons are now available. Just select the lesson you wish to receive from our Digi qualifications page

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