Centre Testimonials Archives - Test Site

Centre Testimonials

AfriHUB Nig Ltd

The team at Afrihub has benefited greatly from the workshop conducted by Ms Bev O’Donovan, Head of Academic Development. We enjoyed the session and learnt a lot for improved centre performance.

Abuja Graduate School

We were very happy with the Centre Support we have received from NCC Education. In particular, we would like to commend Ms Rebecca Bennett, Senior Centre Support Executive, for being so helpful and always responding quickly to us.

Mr Sanjeev Kumar

There are many education centres in our area, all trying to attract the same students, but with NCC Education we attract more students than our competitors. This is because NCC Education qualifications are internationally recognised, teach the knowledge that students want to learn and develop the skills that employers want applicants to have

Jana Millacef

Employers prefer our students because they have an NCC Education qualification. The practical elements of the programmes are really useful to them.

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